Evolutionary biology and venomics

Current theses and open calls

… please contact me if you are interested in a project together.


Supervised students


• since Oct 2019, Ivan Koludarov, DFG grant Re3454/6-1 “Venom evolution in social and eusocial aculeate hymenopterans”

PhD students     

Since Sep 2018, Tim Lüddeke, thesis title: “How the integration of phylogenetics and venomics resolves prevailing challenges in evolutionary systematics and toxinology” (Co-supervision, thesis submitted)

• Since Apr 2018, Rabia Özbek, thesis title: “Comparative venom evolution in the parasitoid wasp Pimpla turionellae” (Co-supervision, thesis submitted).

• Since Apr 2016, Stefan Drukewitz, thesis title: “Venom evolution of robber flies” (finalized January 2020, magna cum laude).

Master students

• 2018, Robin Jauss, thesis title: “Prey specificity of robber flies (Asilidae) tested with an applied metagenomics approach for intestinal and gut tissue”.

• 2016, Nico Fuhrmann, thesis title: “First venom characterization of the robber fly Eutolmus rufibarbis (Asilidae, Diptera)”.

• 2017, Julia Richter, thesis title: “Protisten Evolution im Leipziger Auwald”. Co-supervisor with Prof. Martin Schlegel.

Bachelor students 

2016, Robin Jauss, thesis title: “Transcriptomic data enlightens the evolution of the first neurotoxin in crustaceans”.

• 2017, Tina Knittel, thesis title: “Diversität und vertikale Raumnutzung der Fledermäuse im nördlichen Auwald”.